The world has moved on so quickly in the last 20 years. If we just look back to the beginning of this century ….. and we look at how family life was and why laws had to change to #safeguard children from any form of harm.

Safeguarding children means protecting their emotional and physical health, well-being and human rights of children and our vulnerable adults.  It includes enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. A vulnerable adult is anyone over the age of 18, who is, or may be for any reason, unable to take care of themselves, or unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.

Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility and we must all “Work Together” to ensure this.

The current Legislation aimed at protecting children and vulnerable adults includes:

The Childrens Act 

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Every Child Matters 

The Human Rights Act

The Mental Capacity Act and the Care Act

This legislation was devised not only to provide protection for vulnerable groups but, to guide and support  organisations that work with or come into contact with children or vulnerable adults. Organisations that would take guidance would include voluntary groups, faith groups, private sector providers, schools, colleges, sports clubs and hospitals.  The guidance also aims  help to develop the confidence of professionals, staff, volunteers, parents, carers and the general public.

There are some fantastic partner agency resources that we can access that will support and guide both practitioners and families to understand what we mean when we talk about safeguarding and harm. We must not assume that people we support and or colleges fully understand what we individually, have had to learn. Every one has varying skills, knowledge and experience, we must promote discussions, and the sharing of knowledge, if we are to fully embrace ‘Working Together’ as this will enable us all to promote better outcomes for families and children.

The #MAAPPLinkIndex key ring shares partner agency #safeguarding resources that professionals and families can access. You will also have access to over 500 targeted resources to promote learning. Professionals can plan sessions, and or share with families to empower and promote parenting and #safeguarding.

To purchase a #MAAPPLinkIndex key ring